Lefrant Rubco


Muille Villette

, France


Lefrant-Rubco is a French company based in the north of France and employing 30 people.

The company generates 90% of its sales from exports. Lefrant-Rubco’s business is organized around two divisions:
– The manufacture of its own products:

  • Rubber processing aids (made from vegetable oils) for rubber and elastomers.
  • Aqueous paint dispersants for road marking and decorative paint.

– Toll manufacturing in liquid and powder chemicals.

Lefrant – Rubco has been involved in green chemistry since 1898!

Originally, the company treated rapeseed to make oils that could be used in oil lamps. Green chemistry has always been the focus of Lefrant-Rubco’s development, whether through the use of vegetable oils in the rubber industry, the manufacture of environmentally friendly dispersants for paint, or assisting industrial customers in setting up and scaling up green substitutes for conventional chemicals.

Lefrant-Rubco has recently developed two 100% biobased factices. With over 130 years’ experience, Lefrant Rubco has built up a solid reputation in the market, combining tradition, know-how and innovation.

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