Headquartered in
United States

"Algenesis Labs & Soleic Urethanes Algenesis Labs began life in the Biology department of UC San Diego in 2015 and after several years of detailed research, the Soleic branded urethane technology was created. Soleic products are >50% plant based, biodegradable under home composting conditions and available as pourable foam systems or TPU pellets. As a science based company, we have many peer reviewed scientific papers to support our claims. In-house we are able to conduct polymer synthesis, testing and analysis, aerobic biodegradation and CO2 respirometry according to ISO14855, plus ecotoxicity according to OECD208. PU Foam – We have standard systems commercially available and can work with customers to develop specific formulations to meet a wide range of requirements for footwear, furniture or other foam applications. TPU – We have grades commercially available at 70A, 95A and 60D, plus the ability to develop customized grades using our in-house pilot line. We also created the Blueview footwear brand as a proof of concept to demonstrate that fully compostable shoes can be made affordably, without compromising performance. We are seeking industrial partners to develop commercial applications for the Soleic products. https://www.soleicmaterials.com/ https://www.algenesislabs.com/ https://blueviewfootwear.com/"

Headquartered in
United States

"Algenesis Labs & Soleic Urethanes Algenesis Labs began life in the Biology department of UC San Diego in 2015 and after several years of detailed research, the Soleic branded urethane technology was created. Soleic products are >50% plant based, biodegradable under home composting conditions and available as pourable foam systems or TPU pellets. As a science based company, we have many peer reviewed scientific papers to support our claims. In-house we are able to conduct polymer synthesis, testing and analysis, aerobic biodegradation and CO2 respirometry according to ISO14855, plus ecotoxicity according to OECD208. PU Foam – We have standard systems commercially available and can work with customers to develop specific formulations to meet a wide range of requirements for footwear, furniture or other foam applications. TPU – We have grades commercially available at 70A, 95A and 60D, plus the ability to develop customized grades using our in-house pilot line. We also created the Blueview footwear brand as a proof of concept to demonstrate that fully compostable shoes can be made affordably, without compromising performance. We are seeking industrial partners to develop commercial applications for the Soleic products. https://www.soleicmaterials.com/ https://www.algenesislabs.com/ https://blueviewfootwear.com/"

Headquartered in
United States

"Algenesis Labs & Soleic Urethanes Algenesis Labs began life in the Biology department of UC San Diego in 2015 and after several years of detailed research, the Soleic branded urethane technology was created. Soleic products are >50% plant based, biodegradable under home composting conditions and available as pourable foam systems or TPU pellets. As a science based company, we have many peer reviewed scientific papers to support our claims. In-house we are able to conduct polymer synthesis, testing and analysis, aerobic biodegradation and CO2 respirometry according to ISO14855, plus ecotoxicity according to OECD208. PU Foam – We have standard systems commercially available and can work with customers to develop specific formulations to meet a wide range of requirements for footwear, furniture or other foam applications. TPU – We have grades commercially available at 70A, 95A and 60D, plus the ability to develop customized grades using our in-house pilot line. We also created the Blueview footwear brand as a proof of concept to demonstrate that fully compostable shoes can be made affordably, without compromising performance. We are seeking industrial partners to develop commercial applications for the Soleic products. https://www.soleicmaterials.com/ https://www.algenesislabs.com/ https://blueviewfootwear.com/"

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Let's make the use of biobased and recovered raw materials the new standard.

Let's make the use of biobased and recovered raw materials the new standard.