Silicone Waste matchmaking pilot

Enrico Koggel
At Circular Rubber Platform, we are transforming how small silicone waste producers look at their scrap. These small manufacturers often struggle to recycle their silicone waste because they don’t generate enough to attract the attention of recyclers. Individually, their quantities are simply too small to justify collection. In this case, Manfred Kunze as conveyor belt manufacturer, and Zorge Industries as silicone product manfacturer.
In this initiative we identified uniting small-scale silicone processors to create a significant impact on recycling and revalorizing polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), an essential ingredient for silicone rubber and other silicone-based materials. We ensure that all product producers are aware that silicone is recyclable and provide them with the necessary contacts. In the past, big recyclers and small producers often didn’t know each other because they were not mutually interesting. Recyclers have traditionally prioritized larger quantities, but we can make waste interesting to pick up by combining smaller portions and by creating an understanding what the minimum quantity for pick-up is. Universities on the other side might be researching new recycling ways, but could not find small, uniform waste streams to do tests with.
Such initiatives not only help smaller manufacturers find viable recycling solutions but also contribute significantly to sustainability by ensuring no silicone waste goes to waste. By joining our network, small producers gain access to a powerful alliance. We are proud to bridge this gap and promote circular economy by turning small contributions into tangible impact.
This project will be followed up by the Silicone Waste Mapping project.